NMFC Announces Open Registration for Recreational and Travel Soccer Programs
Exciting news for soccer families—registration is now open for both the Recreational and Travel Soccer Programs at NMFC!
Recreational Program Registration
Registration for the Recreational program is open until February 28. Families who register by February 9 will receive a $5 discount on their registration fee. Due to the club’s continued growth, late registrations will not be accepted, so be sure to complete your registration before the deadline.
Travel Program Registration
Travel program registration is open until February 22 to ensure new players receive their jerseys in time for the first games. As detailed on the NMFC website, Travel registration fees are currently estimates, and players will not be charged until they are moved off the waiting list after registration closes.
How to Register
Visit the NMFC registration page for full details, including costs and registration links: https://www.nmfc.soccer/registration. Be sure to select the correct registration option for your player:
Recreational Player
NEW Travel Player
RETURNING Travel Player
Important Notes
Soccer age groups reset each August, meaning players will remain in the same age group as last fall, even if they’ve had a birthday since then.
If a player wishes to “play up” in an older age group, they must register for their birth year age group and then email nmfc.registrar@gmail.com for approval. Do not change birth year information in the system.
Once registered, families should receive a confirmation email from GotSport. If no email is received, check the spam folder or contact nmfc.registrar@gmail.com for assistance.
For additional information, visit our FAQ page: https://www.nmfc.soccer/faq.
We look forward to another exciting season on the field!